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电话: 0086-591-87673879
姓名: Barry
Fuzhou APT Power Co.,Ltd.

  福州安博特动力设备有限公司是一家集柴油发电机组及其配套产品的研发、生产、销售、服务为一体的公司。 主要产品有A系列康明斯柴油发电机组、天津雷沃柴油发电机组、斗山柴油发电机组、道依茨柴油发电机组、中国品牌柴油发电机组等产品。 ...

主要产品/业务: Fuzhou APT Power Co.,Ltd is a comprehensive company. The company focuses its business on diesel generator sets, developing, producing and selling their support products and offering relevant service.

Fuzhou APT Power Co.,Ltd. / 福建 / Rm 821 North Building, No.15 817 North Road, Fuzhou, Fujian, (350001 ) / 电话:0086-591-87673879

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